

The  People’s Committee of the City has recommended that the Prime Minister should permit the City Government to make modification of the General Planning for Construction of HCM City through 2045, with a vision to 2070.

According to this recommendation, the relevant authorities of the City will conduct an assessment of the present condition, the management, the implementation of the planning for construction over the last years as well as the reasons why the approved planning has not implemented effectively yet.

The studies on the  modification of the General Planning by the Government of the City will focus on making related policite and will pay attention on the contents of the guidance on the implementation of the planning and the control of the development of the planning. The local government will intensify the rules,the validity, the effectiveness of the government in managing and implementing the planning, by which, the Government of the City will create decisive and synchronous solutions for urban problems such as: population, housing, infrastructures, transportation, environment…

At the Introduction Conference on Tasks of Review and Modification of the General Planning for construction of  HCM City  taken place in March 2018, the Planning and Architecture Department of Ho Chi Minh City said that one of the important contents of this Modification of the General Planning was to review and to choose priorities over the development of the City.

Among of the priorities, the Municipal Government will enhance the Eastern urban development focusing on creating a Creative Urban Zone ( covering the areas of District 2, District 9, and Thu Duc District).

The  development in the Northwestern City needs more careful studies in the context of the climate change and sea level rise in Vietnam in future. For this reason, the Northwestern area with a high topography and good geology is considered as being appropriate and suitable for an urban development of the City.

The urban development in the Southern city will be conducted according to the (present) plannin but it is necessary to pay attention to the degree and the form of the urban development to make the City to be adaptable to the climate change, sea  level rise and the ground depressin in Ho Chi Minh City scenarios.

Up to the present time, there have been  3 general plannings for construcion of HCM City created and approved:

“Construction Master Plan of Ho Chi Minh City until 2010” (“Planning of 1993), which was approved by the Prime Minister in the Decision number 20-TTg dated January 16th 1993.

“Adjusted Master Plan of Ho Chi Minh City through 2020” (“Planning of 1998) which as approved by the Prime Minister in the Decision number 123/1998/QD-TTg dated July 10th, 1998.

“Adjusted Construction Master Plan of Ho Chi Minh City Through 2025” (“ Planning of 2010) approved by the Prime Minister in the Decision Number 24/QD-TTg dated January, 06th, 2010.

(According to CafeLand)