

According to the Construction Ministry, basically the real estate market in 2018 have been controlled, which has continued to grow up, there has not been any sign of a big change yet, and the structure of the goods of the marke have met the requirements of various classes of people and the demand of the market.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Government Trinh Dinh Dung gave a directive speech in the conference.

In first 9 months of 2018, the revenue of the real estate market increased by 4.12% compared to the same period of the last year. The number of newly-registered enterprises is 3,300 enterprises, increasing by 44.2%. The total aggregate sums invested in deploying real estate projects are about VND 3.5 to 4 million bilion. The total amoun of loans relating to activities of investment and business in the real estate secton calculated to the Quarter III/2018 was VND 465,688 billion dong ( decreasing by 2.84% compared to the Quarter II/ 2018).

As of 20th December 2018, the total value of real estate inventories is about VND 22,825 billion dong compared to the peak in the Quarter I/2013, reducing VND 105,723 billion dong ( decreasing by 82.24%) compared to 20 December 2017, which reduced VND 2,557 billion dong (decreasing by 10.07 5; compared to 20 October 2018, the number reduced VND billion dong.

With the performance achieived in 2018, the Construction Ministry has created a main plan for 2019 as follows: The value of production and construction of the entere industry ( based on the current prices) needs to increase by 9% to 10% compared to 2018; the average area for residential houses in Vietnam needs to reach 24.5 m2 floor per person; the amount of produced cement needs to be about 98 million tons…

According to CafeF