The Deputy Prime Minister of the Government Trinh Dinh Dung gave a directive speech in the conference.
In first 9 months of 2018, the revenue of the real estate market increased by 4.12% compared to the same period of the last year. The number of newly-registered enterprises is 3,300 enterprises, increasing by 44.2%. The total aggregate sums invested in deploying real estate projects are about VND 3.5 to 4 million bilion. The total amoun of loans relating to activities of investment and business in the real estate secton calculated to the Quarter III/2018 was VND 465,688 billion dong ( decreasing by 2.84% compared to the Quarter II/ 2018).
As of 20th December 2018, the total value of real estate inventories is about VND 22,825 billion dong compared to the peak in the Quarter I/2013, reducing VND 105,723 billion dong ( decreasing by 82.24%) compared to 20 December 2017, which reduced VND 2,557 billion dong (decreasing by 10.07 5; compared to 20 October 2018, the number reduced VND billion dong.
With the performance achieived in 2018, the Construction Ministry has created a main plan for 2019 as follows: The value of production and construction of the entere industry ( based on the current prices) needs to increase by 9% to 10% compared to 2018; the average area for residential houses in Vietnam needs to reach 24.5 m2 floor per person; the amount of produced cement needs to be about 98 million tons…
According to CafeF
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